Wednesday, April 27, 2011

i knwo nod opne is wahtfcingh this blog.

no one is.
i know!
but i still, id like some peoples to talk to.
dontm ind me and mey carzy typing.
i homesltly ndot knows why im typisngin like this.
LDGLKDHI> i was about to right "i dont know syhy i wasf typing like athat"
wow thatd  comforting
but yeah. or
and ier promzise i typided them corectrly.
right, maybe difjuts need somw esleep.
if i capn sleep.
its almost dstormy and masnty out. and its topo damn hot.
whatever, i cant dwrite or typr right, so no use drsawinmg.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


okay overreaction ended forever ago.
Though I suppose I don't have any followers of this blog anyway, so.

Friday, April 15, 2011

e m p t y

things have... quieted down, for now, I assume.
still bad, but not as loud, i guess.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

s p o t l i g h t

Because everyone would rather watch you fall...

pity, i used to love this song.
finding its hidden meanings, it disgusts me just listening to.
but i still cant stop listening to it.
its... dont look for the meaning too hard.
youll find it.

its... very relevant to he situation at hand.
do you see why it...
well, "disgusts" is a harsh word.
and not entirely true.
more like, stirs a feeling of fear and dread.
just like the situation of the week.

but whatever, look, i has a blog again.
not like its too important.
i never have anything interesting to say.
or any useful information.

other than...
my "purpose."
but going into that would be a very bad idea.
especially if i find out its not true.
itd be giving the... not enemy, really, but the opposite team ideas.

but as if theyre actually listening.
wouldnt be surprised if they ARE, but they arent at the moment, huh.